Professional Education

Educational Technology

Prepare for the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) with our collection of sample questions and online practice problems focused on Professional Education. Test your exam readiness with interactive review materials that simulate the actual LET, helping you strengthen your understanding of key topics like Teaching Profession, Social Dimension of Education, Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development, Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development, Assessment of Student Learning, Developmental Reading, Field Study, and Practice Teaching. Our free practice tests are designed to help aspiring teachers succeed by providing rationale for every question. With these online resources, you can improve your chances of passing the LET and achieving your goal of becoming a licensed teacher.

1) What kind of tool is technology as evidenced by its use in word processing databases, spreadsheets, graphics design, and desktop publishing?

a) Analyzing tool

b) Encoding tool

c) Productivity tool

d) Calculating tool

RATIONALE: This question examines the functionality of technology in educational and professional settings. Technology serves as a productivity tool by enabling efficient handling of tasks such as word processing, data management, and design, thereby enhancing productivity.

2) Teachers and students can participate in levels of computer use. Give the order of computer use from simplest to complex.

a) Computer literacy, computer competency, computer expertise

b) Computer competency, computer literacy, competency expertise

c) Computer literacy, computer expertise, computer competency

d) Computer competency, computer expertise, computer literacy

RATIONALE: The progression from simplest to most complex levels of computer use starts with computer literacy, followed by computer competency, and finally computer expertise. This sequence reflects the increasing depth of knowledge and skills in using computers. Therefore, the correct answer is "Computer literacy, computer competency, computer expertise."

4) It is stated that audio- visual aids complement teaching to make perception more quickly and clearly. Why?

a) They present programmed information.

b) They present multi- sensory experience.

c) They provide verbal and symbolic experiences.

d) They make information readily available.

RATIONALE: The correct answer is "they provide verbal and symbolic experiences" as audio-visual aids enhance learning by combining different modes of information delivery. Programmed information is structured, multi-sensory experiences involve multiple senses, and making information available is a benefit but not the primary reason.

5) Of the following effects on learning, what is the effect of simulations that make students feel and sense experience in the classroom?

a) Reinforcing learning

b) Providing experiences that otherwise might not be had

c) Motivating students

d) Changing attitudes and feelings

RATIONALE: This question explores the benefits of experiential learning techniques. It requires understanding of various teaching methods and their impacts. The correct answer highlights the unique ability of simulations to provide students with experiences that may be impractical or impossible to obtain in real life, enhancing their learning through immersion and practical application.

6) This is the more appropriate understanding of technology in education?

a) Methods and process

b) Inventions and equipment

c) Channels and instruments

d) Hardware, designs, and environment

RATIONALE: This question emphasizes a broad understanding of technology in education. Technology as channels and instruments implies tools and methods used to facilitate and enhance learning, beyond just devices and hardware.

8) Which should you use if you want to teach the human digestive system in such a way that the pupils can manipulate the organs?

a) model of the digestive system

b) realia from medical schools

c) drawing of an artist

d) picture from medical references

RATIONALE: A model of the digestive system allows hands-on manipulation of the organs, enhancing understanding. Realia from medical schools, drawings, and pictures provide visual information but lack interactive elements.

9) Which are the most important concerns about the use of ICT in instruction?
I. Developing appropriate curriculum materials that allow students to construct meaning and develop knowledge through the use of ICT:
II. Devising strategies to meaningfully integrate technology into the curriculum:
III. Using pedagogical skills related to technology:
IV. Providing teachers with skills for using software applications

a) I and III

b) II and III

c) III and IV

d) I, II, III, and IV

RATIONALE: The correct answer is d] I, II, III, and IV. All listed concerns are crucial for the effective use of ICT in instruction, encompassing material development, integration strategies, pedagogical skills, and teacher training. Options a], b], and c] cover only subsets of the concerns.

10) Which of the following belongs to projected media?

a) realias

b) flannel boards

c) filmstrips

d) field trips

RATIONALE: Non-projected media includes realias, flannel boards, and field trips, which do not require projection equipment. Filmstrips are projected media.

11) Which statement applies CORRECTLY to Edgar Dale’s “cone of Experience”?

a) The further you are from the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes.

b) The further you are from the bottom, the more direct the learning experience becomes.

c) The closer you are to the base, the more indirect the learning experience becomes.

d) The closer you are to the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes

RATIONALE: Edgar Dale's "Cone of Experience" illustrates that the closer an experience is to the base, the more direct and concrete it is, involving more senses and active participation. This directness tends to lead to more effective learning, making the statement "The closer you are to the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes" correct.

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